A prepaid credit card works like any other credit card. The only difference in using these prepaid credit cards is that you have to deposit a certain amount of money to the credit card company before you can start using it. The amount deposited to the credit card company will stand as your credit limit. They sound more like a secured credit card but actually they work like a gift card. So when you spend $50 using the card, it’s actually taken out of your account.
Now you might be thinking whether using a prepaid credit card helps in rebuilding your credit ratings? Well, some of the companies report to the credit bureaus and some don’t. Read the terms and conditions of the credit card company before you get one.
Most of the credit card companies that offer such prepaid cards do not charge a joining fee. You can use the prepaid credit card almost anywhere without having to pay any fees. If you are feeling unhappy about being denied by the credit card company and not having a card in your wallet, start using these prepaid credit cards so that you can build credit and control your spending.