Take Public Transportation
A lot of people who work in restaurants take out title loans in order to pay for things when business is not good. By not relying on a car and taking the bus, subway, or just walking to work, you can save on gas, car insurance, speeding tickets, maintenance, and a whole galaxy of other expenses.
Cut Out the Drinking
With all of the stress restaurant workers face, it is easy for them to hit the bottle every night in order to feel good about themselves. Many employees tend to over do it and rack up astronomical tabs at bars. If you are going to drink after work, you should purchase something at the grocery store instead of spending $6 on a beer or $11 on a cocktail.
Stop Going Out to Eat
Just like drinking, many people in the restaurant industry love to go out to eat. They just don't like the value menu at McDonald's, they like to visit fine dining establishments and try exotic cuisine that costs a lot of money. Instead of eating out all of the time, it is probably a good idea to order off of a fast food value menu.
Date Realistically
One of the most draining things that can happen to your bank account is falling in love. If you happen to fall in love with someone you work with, it will complicate things dramatically. Going to work will become more than just a way to make money, it will turn into a constant date and make it easier to get sick of each other. If the relationship ends, you are stuck in an awkward situation that puts your money-earning abilities in serious jeopardy.
Have a Backup Plan
Restaurant owners and managers are an extremely fickle group of people. They tend to freak out and stress over every minute detail and imagine that everything that the employees are up to is bad for business. Because of this, they usually enact inane and archaic rules that prohibit the personal development of their workers. It is very easy to lose your job if you have an open mind and use your critical thinking facilities quite often.
It is important to continue your education, develop new skills, and have other jobs lined up for when you meet the ultimate reality of the restaurant business. Working in a restaurant can be fast, exciting, and fun at times, but it is not a sturdy path for future development. Have your goals in mind and start thinking about what you really want to see, do, and accomplish.