The first step would be to identify all your debts and to think possible ways to pay off or eliminate them. Your car payments, mortgage payments, credit card bills should be paid off as quickly as possible. To pay off your debt, you need to identify your monthly income and the amount that you can spend. Actually you have to set up a good relationship between earning and payment of debts.
What you can do now! Just arrange all your debts in ascending order. Least amount debts should come first and the large once should come later. So it will be easier to pay off your small amount debts and the no. of creditors will be lesser. One creditor out of your account is a great relief and one by one every creditor will be paid off.
If you can’t manage your debt of your own then you can obviously go for debt consolidation program. By opting this program you don’t have to think about all your creditors’ payment but to think about monthly payment to the consolidation company. The debt consolidation company will handle all your creditors from now on.
Now the question comes how you can turn your debt to wealth. You need to avoid using credit cards as much as possible and have to avoid spending money on unnecessary things. If you can lesser the use of credit cards then you are limiting future possibility of being in debt. You can surely use debit card instead of credit card. This is the way you can erase debts and can turn debt to wealth.
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