Make a list of all the items that you will need in your vacation and will be purchasing on your credit card. You don’t want to buy just anything that comes to your way and do the last minute shopping.
Set your spending limits. Look at your financial position realistically. You should be able to afford your vacation and the gifts before you go for it. The amount you will be spending now on credit cards needs to be paid back later. So, don’t try to overspend and as a result, it becomes tough for you to catch up later. Credit card companies will be charging you highest interest rates if you don’t pay them in full within the billing cycle.
After you have set your spending limits, list down all the items that you consider essential for the holiday season. Every small thing should be penned down, like if you send holiday cards to your friends each year, it should be included in your total amount to be spent. We all like to host Christmas dinners and invite our friends and families and share the good moments. Before you throw out a party, make sure that you know how much will be the total amount spent. Trees, decorations, small gifts, food items and all other important things should be factored in your holiday budget. Once you have done it, you can go for the big purchases on your credit card.
It is also important to find out a place that’s economical and from where you will be doing the shopping. If you have a retail store credit cards that offers discounts or rewards, you would like to do the purchases from that store. You will be saving more money in that store from the other one who does not have any offers or discounts. Try to do your holiday shopping on credit card couple of months in advance. Prices of almost all items get high as the festival time comes closer. Also, by shopping few months in advance, you will be able to take the advantage of the sales as they come.
Once the festive season is over, make sure that you pay off the credit card balance as soon as possible. You don’t want to have your debts hanging over your head for a long time. Let’s say, you don’t want to pay your last year Christmas bills until October this year. Try to pay off the balance as soon as possible. If you foresee a credit card balance, shop with a lower interest rate credit card. Be realistic on your credit card spending.
Holiday spending can be within your limits. It should not make you stressful. If you are well aware of your present financial situation, you can wisely use your credit card and do the holiday purchase. Follow the spending rules and you will enjoy your holiday season.
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