First of all you need to make it sure that what you read, listen and who are you believing. If anyone say that you can avoid home foreclosure without paying to your lender is wrong. There is no other ways to avoid home foreclosure but to pay your lender. But don’t worry, there are several ways or options by which you can pay to your home lender and can avoid foreclosure.
At the time of buying your home either you give your home as mortgage or a deed of trust. Whatever you do the result will be the same if you don’t pay to the home lender. You will lose your home. Now you need to know how you can avoid foreclosure.
- First of all you can talk to your home lender. The home lenders want to make money from their business; they don’t have the intention to take your home. So if you talk to your lender and discuss your problem properly then he can allow some easy payment options for you. In this way you can keep your home and avoid foreclosure.
- You can take another home loan to payoff the existing loan.
- You can file chapter 13 bankruptcy which will allow you an easy payment plan ordered by the court.
Follow the above mentioned options to avoid home foreclosure.